Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Autumn again
After a long-delayed intermission
Brought to you by 'Molotov
Memoirs,' the digital version, now at Blurb, onlu
$3.99 and 'Licence To Skill,' first release in digital format at Amazon,
only $2.99.
Thursdays: 9-11 p.m. EDT. You can also hear Cotolo-alter-ego Restless Johnny
Wakeloose in the Green Room at 8 p.m. EDT at SRN and come into the
chatroom with Johnny and the gang by clicking here .
Listen live on SRN One https://c5.radioboss.fm/u/76
DONATE TO THIS BROADCAST:: At frankcotolo.bandcamp.com featuring new and first-time recorded song releases from the musical catalogue of our host circa 1970 through 2024.
AND AT Frank Cotolo on PAYPAL
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