Monday, May 22, 2023
'Those with loaded guns and those who dig.'
On the May 25 show (LIVE at 9 p.m. Eastern; Fridays: 2-4 a.m. UK), our host explores how pop culture has depicted guns over the decades. Firearms have been popular elements in all genres and there are countless books and films featuring them in various ways. Some of the most famous pop-culture hand artillery and their influencing nature come to mind in this honest (could be a Ted Talk) monologue.
to you by 'Molotov Memoirs,' the digital version, now at Blurb, onlu
$3.99 and 'Licence To Skill,' first release in digital format at Amazon,
only $2.99.
Thursdays: 9-11 p.m. EDT. You can also hear Cotolo-alter-ego Restless Johnny
Wakeloose in the Green Room at 8 p.m. EDT at SRN and come into the
chatroom with Johnny and the gang by clicking here .
Listen live on SRN One