Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Charles Dennis series on tap
LIVE, Thursday, Nov. 21 at 9 p.m. --- Charles Dennis returns to talk about his new dramatic project. Foo Dog Films presents an unusual new web series, JAKE KIEHL, featuring Fred Melamed, Lee Melamed, Jonathan Coogan and Drew Bell. Produced by Ulrika Vingsbo-Dennis. Written and directed by Charles Dennis. Also in on the discussion is Lee Melamed and Ulrika Vingsbo-Dennis.
Brought to you by Sweet Shepherd, a novella at Amazon along with other Frank Cotolo digital books.
You can also hear Cotolo-alter-ego Restless Johnny Wakeloose in The Green Room at 8 p.m. EDT at SRN One
Listen live dial-up or broadband, click here at 9 p.m. EST.
Check these stations and Google for all possibilities of program rebroadcasts, for your computer: iPod or iPhone. Tune In; Mix Cloud; Player fm; True Talk Radio ; SRN One ;itunes/Apple; WJYZ 960 AM; KJAG Radio ; TyneFm ; Infinity Radio ; HotMix106 ; KKRP-AM ; WBTM Radio; Texas Online Radio;; New Time Radio,