Friday, June 22, 2007
Escape from the dark ages

There were some problems with the live broadcast on June 21. For one, our guest never called in from Russia (or from any other country) but we will try to rebook him. For another, there was a discomboomeration with the connection. Most people did not reboot to hear the rest of the broadcast live. So, please listen to the recorded version or the rebroadcasts listed below.
The program, as it turned out, covered a remarkable bit of territory concerning one man's ability to bring the powers of light to the edge of darkness!
The program, as it turned out, covered a remarkable bit of territory concerning one man's ability to bring the powers of light to the edge of darkness!
The RSS feed and file download are also in left column and at Podomatic.
Mondays-Fridays, replays
True Talk Radio
KJAG Radio
Weeknight early mornings, replays
Network 1KX
Wednesdays, replay
Wild Bunch Radio
Fridays, replay
The Wolf Radio
Rant Radio
Saturdays, replay
Flash Radio
Sundays, replay
True Talk Radio
KJAG Radio
Weeknight early mornings, replays
Network 1KX
Wednesdays, replay
Wild Bunch Radio
Fridays, replay
The Wolf Radio
Rant Radio
Saturdays, replay
Flash Radio
Sundays, replay