Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Seeing spots before my eyes

All right, so a lot of programs are beginning to post their ad rates. It is, then, time for our show to reveal its ad package. This is going to be short and simple.

A text link to this page is $10 a month. If you want a special newsletter sponsored by your product or service, along with a banner on the page, that's $50 a month.

On the air, live spots read by the host are $100 a month. The spots have no specific time limit and references to the product or service throughout the show are included at no extra cost. On most months, we have four programs, but on months where there are five, it is still only $100. The spot is read in "show style," meaning we present the information in a fashion that does not affect the flow of the show. Specific copy is accepted but translated appropriately.

Recorded commercial spots are not accepted. Please email with specific questions or for any more information. Just remember that more people know about Yukon Jack in 2006 than did in 2005.

And now, back to our blog.

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