Friday, July 15, 2005


Midsummer day's dreams

Smack in the middle of summer, we are, and that means the year’s middle age, also. For 2005, it is half the way to the end and from the beginning. Just another weekend? I doubt it. Every weekend is new and ageless, with a spark of delight on either end. These are times for midsummer daydreaming.

So it is I thank Van Dyke Parks for his contribution to our July 14 program. As well, I welcome him to the “C-Chronicles Clique,” a rapidly growing disorganization where members have paid all of the dues they ever need to have paid by merely staying alive this long and having half a breath to talk about it all.

Mr. Parks’ pragmatic approach to the fates is inspiring. His view of “it all” certainly complements every message our program sends, and I applaud that, as I always have, only now I understand it more clearly, if not with a vague glimpse of wonder.

But I digress. Thank you, Mr. Parks. We look forward to talking more about more with you soon. You can hear the July 14 program as a rebroadcast all weekend. Check the station list below and find the air times. And go to our website for the podcast feed. Later, gators.

Hi Frank,

Terrific conversation with Van Dyke. I'm typing out a couple of choice passages to add to my blog (which happens to be called Orange Crate Art), with approrpiate links, of course.

Your on-air talking reminds me of Jean Shepherd, whom I listened to years ago on WOR-AM. That's the Shepherd theme music, isn't it? What's it called?

Michael Leddy
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