Monday, May 02, 2005


May or may not

Another spring, another May. Big month continues with big celebrations, events and a few hangings.

May 3 is Doo Dah Day

May 5 is Cotolo Chronicles Day
Dusty Nathan is our guest at 9 p.m. EST for a special Kentucky Derby program. You don’t have to know nuttin’ about horses to enjoy this show or May 7’s big race.

May 8 is No Socks Day
Boston and Chicago are the only cities that do not celebrate this day. All you other cities have fun and smell it up.

May 11 is Eat What You Want Day
This does not mean you can eat what you want when you want. Please check your local rules and practices about times to eat what you want.

May 16 is Biographer's Day
This day was created by Phil B. Stormcollar, born in 1898 in a small town near Havensport, Mississippi to Carl and Ellen Stormcollar. Etcetera.

May 18 is Visit Your Relatives Day
Bring cake.

May 23 is Morning Radio Wise Guy Day
Unfortunately, this day has been cancelled since the last radio wise guy died in April.

May 24 is International Jazz Day
Unlike North American Jazz Day and South African Jazz Day, today you can play any type of jazz without worrying about a fine.

May 30 is Hug Your Cat Day
Formerly Kick Your Cat Day, a bunch of animal activists took all the fun out of this day.

May 31 is What You Think Upon Grows Day
It is a controversial celebration when you consider it was created by the manufacturers of medicine that fights erectile disorder.

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