Monday, March 14, 2005


Launch the week slowly

Top o’ the Monday to ya. It’s St. Patty’s week, a celebration of the potato and whiskey, of courage and green clothing, of luck and despair. They say everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, but many people named Horowitz don’t agree with that. You can see their point.

But the celebration of the Irish has nothing to do with my concerns this week. Not while gorillas are being slayed for selfish and financial reasons in jungles all over the world, mostly at jungles where gorillas live. If the gorilla becomes extinct it may affect the world more than any other species, since some people believe they are a link to human development, not to mention the basis for creating King Kong, Bonzo, Donkey Kong and famous and entertaining characters.

So the worst thing you could be in my book this week is an Irish drunk shooting at gorillas. But look in your own book and see what it says there; you could have an entirely different opinion and I hope you do, except for the gorilla thing, I am serious about that.

Other things are happening in the digital community that I will address this March 17 on Cotolo Chronicles. I realize my Irish audience will not be with me live, since they have serious celebrating to do, but those of you who will be there listening to the live feed should be prepared for some dynamic impressions. Because things are changing on the digital entertainment front and clay pidgins are being shot down rapidly. More about this soon.

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