Friday, October 08, 2004


Our Octoberfest continues

What a band, what a show, what a night!
What a month so far!
Our Oct. 7 program started with tech problems but a simple reboot kicked everything into place. Thanks for the large, worldwide crowd. Here are some links to places that reflect some of our topics of Oct. 7, just in case you want to look more deeply into them.

Lewis and Clark's 200-year anniversary is putting Native Americans on the protest warpath. Go to and read about the team's first American tour and how attracting the Indian crowd wasn't so simple.

Go to and be ready to laugh and honor a great entertainer.

The broadcasting world is changing -- .

Keep checking in here for news on next week's program. You can get a glimpse of an upcoming interview by going to . Check out Leigh.

Cotolo Chronicles can be heard every Thursday night at 9 p.m. EST on the internet

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